Previously it took a lot of work to write a letter, address and stamp an envelope, and take it to the mailbox. It took days or weeks, maybe even months, to get a reply. Nowadays I can dash off an email, send it halfway around the globe, and (if my addressee is online) receive a reply a minute later. I’ve saved all that trouble and time, but do I live a more relaxed life?

Sadly not. Back in the snail-mail era, people usually only wrote letters when they had something important to relate. Rather than writing the first thing that came into their heads, they considered carefully what they wanted to say and how to phrase it. They expected to receive a similarly considered answer. Most people wrote and received no more than a handful of letters a month and seldom felt compelled to reply immediately. Today I receive dozens of emails each day, all from people who expect a prompt reply. We thought we were saving time; instead we revved up the treadmill of life to ten times its former speed and made our days more anxious and agitated.

Yuval Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

1 Comment

  1. Boliuki says:

    Re “Yuval Harari” and his MISDIRECTING “Cognitive Revolution” (Homo Deus) propaganda notions on homo sapiens that’s meant to normalize the sick scheme of transhumanism

    Yuval Harari, Schwab’s WEF’s frontman psychopath [], who is sold as an intellectual “genius” or “prophet” by this crazy world is the person who called you and me and all other commoners “useless people” [] — while millions of those “useless people” have been buying and recommending his books like candy (to learn his “lessons”), serving him very usefully. It’s one proof that most people anywhere are stupid and crazy (while “thinking” they’re intelligent and non-crazy).

    The WEF cabal of psychopaths, including Harari, has always promoted and invested into artificial intelligence or AI are now, starting in early 2023, suddenly supposedly have a change of heart makes it clear that their warnings about AI and having it regulated is just a manipulative tactic to misdirect and deceive the public, once again.

    The manipulative “AI open letter” scheme is part of The Hegellian Dialectic in action: problem-reaction-solution.

    This staged deceitful bogus letter campaign is meant to raise public fear/hype panic about an alleged big “PROBLEM” (they helped to create in the first place) so the public demands (REACTION) the governments regulate and control this technology =they provide the “SOLUTION’ FOR THEIR OWN INTERESTS AND AGENDAS… because… all governments are owned and controlled by the leading psychopaths in power …. (or

    What a convenient self-serving trickery … of the ever foolish public.

    “AI responds according to the “rules” created by the programmers who are in turn owned by the people who pay their salaries. This is precisely why Globalists want an AI controlled society- rules for serfs, exceptions for the aristocracy.” —Unknown

    The SELECTIVE narrative Harari choses in his writings (STEERING and CONTROLLING what you should believe []) to describe and categorize homo sapiens’ “cognitive revolution” omits the key human elements (ie self-delusion, grandiosity, manipulation, deception, lunacy — all of which shine thru for any lucid reader of his ‘Sapiens’ book and other works of his biased propaganda (that serves to normalize transhumanism), and that he himself engages in and manifests!) that has led humans to be largely destructive and therefore not being wise (sapiens) at all.

    Instead, manipulative Harari’s self-serving focus has been for many years on humans’ capacity to believe fictional stories and therefore can be controlled via narrative, fictional or not, as long as everyone believes the same story — the official story, the authorized narrative, such on 9/11 or on Covid, etc. This interplay of human capacity to trust and follow “official” narratives AND the major controllers of these authorized narratives, ie the psychopathic authorities in power, is coherently explained by the reality-based theory of “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room” (see that curates the human condition and the crazy world we always have lived in.

    “Separate what you know from what you THINK you know.” — Unknown

    Even just somewhat more coherent intellectuals as psychopathic Harari have also recognized Harari’s ethics-empty “extremely dangerous” propaganda (while still naively, self-foolingly and falsely believing Harari is “brilliant”) []. The production of such “persuasive” but extremely dangerous propaganda a la Harari is of course typical of psychopaths (see

    “You don’t live in a free country. And no, it’s not because they make you pay taxes or that time they made you wear a mask or whatever. The real reason you don’t live in a free country is much, much bigger than that: you don’t live in a free country because the minds of your countrymen are imprisoned. Westerners think they’re free because they can say whatever they want and vote however they want, but WHAT THEY WANT is controlled by mass-scale psychological manipulation. Being able to speak and vote as you wish is meaningless if the powerful CONTROL WHAT IT IS THAT YOU WISH.” — Caitlin Johnstone, Independent Journalist

    “The term ‘artificial intelligence’ would lose its glamour (and its enormous value to hand-waving snake oil salesmen) if it said “dumb routine calculation at massive speed and scale”. But that’s what it is — and here is the essential point: such an ability to calculate does not equal human intelligence. AI does not ‘understand’ anything.” —Alan Mitchell


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